
Our World Media Network is a media company servicing the borough of Queens. Our purpose is to inform the community of news, business information, entertainment, along with sports. We cover news stories that are not usually covered in the area.

We want to educate young people on business and politics. By informing them of how to go about starting their own business, digital media, and podcasts.

Our target marketing is Queens residents between the age of 21 and 65. Adults who are looking to grow their business as they also learn about the community.

Meet Our Talented team

our world media

Joseph Swift

Has over 15 years’ experience in digital media, photography, videography, and web development. He currently works at QPTV where he over see’s all TV production and editing. Having this experience, he would like to share his knowledge with the younger generation who are interested in learning from him through training programs within the community.

Pauline Swift

For the past 7 years Ms. Swift has been working within Media Networking through Our World Media Magazine, Our World Sutphin News, and Our World Hour of Power Podcast. Ms. Swift has interviewed politicians, entertainers, business owners and has been a vioce for people starting their own businesses by giving them a platform through her podcast.

Glenn Greenidge

Has been the Executive Director of the Sutphin Bid which is the business improvement center for small business within the community. With his business and financial knowledge, he feels he can continue to improve Queens with education and knowledge on several levels; physically and visually.